Saturday, July 16, 2011

i am going to the wizard covention
in boston can hardly wait

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


i have written a musical  here is the script
by the way i am ozma of oz
land of oz
Setting: countries in Oz
Main Characters:
Tip/Ozma- Protagonist
General Jingur- Antagonist or Big Sunflower
Supporting Characters:
Saw Horse
Jack Pumpkin Head
Mombi (becomes +character to Tip)
Glinda Good Witch
Army of Girls (Chorus) or Sunflowers
Scarecrow (a friend of Tip)
Woggel Bug (+ to Tip)
Tin Woodman
Man with a bushy beard

Scene I: Making the Pumpkin Head

Tip: “I hate that old woman (Mombi) so much.  I real hate her! She has always  been so mean to me. [Pause] I know what I will do! On Tuesday’s Mombi goes out to the market to get more magic herbs, and gets back late. While she is out, I will trick her by switching her herbs with pepper! Also, I will carve a very scary pumpkin headed man to scare Mombi!
But first I have to milk the four horned cow, then I will play my tricks on Mombi! Exits stage left to milk cow]
[Tip re-enters, with a bucket of milk and a pumpkin sits down at a desk to carve.}Then gets some clothes for the pumpkin man. *Makes the pumpkin man from sticks using a knife. }

Scene II: Mombi Returns
Standing at her cauldron. While Mombi is at her cauldron she does a spell that brings the pumpkin man to life.
Mombi: Who-ga, whoo-ga, yeowa [claps hands together] [to herself]. Oh what’s the matter? I seldom make a mistake, [smells her powder] [sneezes]. “It’s pepper in the pepper boxm where are my magic herbs?, I always keep my magic herbs in the pepper box, he should know that by now, considering, he has lived with me for 10 years! “Tippetarius! Come here now! [to herself] Where is that wretched boy?”

-Mombi exits stage right, looking for Tip.
-Tip enters stage left looking angry.

Tip: Mombi, you called for me? [Sighs] I hate that woman, she is so…demanding! First she wants to make me in a marble statue, then her slave, I might as well be paid to do all I have done for her!
-Mombi enters from right without hearing what Tip had said.
End of scene
Scene III
Mombi: tippetarius!where have been? Why’d you  fill my pepper box with pepper you know I keep my magic herbs in there! Why’d you touch them?

Tip: witch!!
Mombi: how dare you call me that!
You the law, theres only one witch of the north and it’s certainly not me!

Tip: but you are a witch!you know, the neighbors are becoming suspicious of your illegal activities, you remember the time you tried to turned me into a marble statue
I know I remember it quite clearly

Mombi: don’t you dare defy me I am your guardian!  Without me you’d be homeless. Is that what you want?

Tip: I’d rather be homeless than have a witch for a guardian.

Mombi{aside with out tip hearing}:{to audience} I would’ve kicked him out long ago if it hadn’t the promise I made the wizard
But he can’t know that I told you so don’t tell{to tip}tippetarius do all your chores go husk the corn milk the four hornrd cow un-weed the garden and grind the grain.that oughta keep you out of trouble

Tip  : but I already milked the cow and husked the corn

Mombi : do it  again!

Tip: I cannot husk the corn again but I cam milk the cow again

Mombi: do it!!     

Tip : {to the audience}I am leaving and not comeing back I am fed up with that witch I will jack and the magic powder of life that she used to bring jack to life

Enter jinjur from R + tip from L
Jinjur is carring a lunch  basket

Jinjur{place hands on hips}: there that is enough for now you can have the rest for now

Tip: may I ask your name?

Jinjur: I am general jinjur I command the army of revolt in this war
Tip: I didn’t know that there was a war.

Jinjur: you wer’nt supossed to

Tip: but war is a terrible thing

Jinur: our war will be pleasant

Tip: manny of you will be slain

Jinjur: oh no! what man  would oppose a girl or dare to harm her there is not a single ugly face in the entire army    
Tip: perhaps you are right but the king’s army will not  let the city be conquered without a struggle

Jinjur : the king ‘s army is old and feeble all his strength has been used to grow green whiskers ands his wife pulls half of them by the roots

Tip: why do you want to conquer the emerald city

Jinjur: cause we belive men have ruled OZ
 Long enough for one reason moreover the city glitters with beautiful gems which would be of far better use in necklaces bracelets and whatnot and there is enough money in the king’s treasury to buy each and every single girl in our army a dozen new dresses {to soldiers} friends, fellow citizens, and girls! We are about begin our rebel against the men of oz!

Girls: hurrah!

Jinjur: to dethrone the scarecrow king!!
To acquire thousands of gorgeous rifle the royal trasury. i command we march
Jinjur ‘s marching song
Tune the ants go marching
We all go maarching 4by 4 his-ah his-ah
We all go maarching 5by5 hurr-ah hurr-ah
We all go maarching 6by6 yeh-wa yeh-wa
we all go maarching 7by 7 reb-ah re-qua
my girls and i will conquer the city-
seargent ozwalda : i don’t care i have no pity
Scene 6
Guardian: good morning my dears what can I do for you?

Jinjur: surrender instantly!

Guardian: surrender! Why that is impossible! It’s against the law! I’ve never heard of I’ve never heard  of such ridiculous talk in all my life

Jinjur: stil you must we are revolting

Guardian: you don’t look it

Jinjur{stamps impaintly} but we are we mean to conquer the emerald city

Guardian: good gracious me! What a nonsesicile idea go home to your mothers my good girls and milk the cows  and bake the bread, don’t you know it’s dangerous thing to conquers a city?

Jinjur: were not afraid!

{girls slowly draw their needles and start poking the guard until jinjur takes the keys from the guard he makes no hesitance}

Scene VII

Scarecrow: no no jack you hit the ball like this{hits ball harder then ment soldier enters}

Scarecrow:what’s wrong?

Soldier: oh your majesty oh your majesty your city has been conquered

Scarecrow:this is quite sudden go lock every door and window in the palace
Enter tip

Jack Pumpkinhead:Good after noon most noble parent I am glad to see you ! I am sorry that terrible sawhorse ran away from you

Tip:  I suspected it. Are you cracked at all?

Pumpkinhead: no I arrived safely and his majesty has been very kind indeed to me.

Scarecrow{to soldier}:who has conquered me ? where was my  standing army at the time

Soldier: a group of reblious girls  from the four corners of oz and your standing army was  running for no man
 Could face the terrible weapons of the invaders

Tip: i-I heard them say they want to make braided r-r-rug out of your outside and St-St-off s-sofa cushions with your inside.

Scarecrow: then I am really am endanger
It would be wise for me to pause and reflect excuse me while I pause and reflect

Pumpkinhead: where will we go?

Scarecrow: why, to my friend the tin man in the winkie country

Tip: it ‘s too late now! To think of escape.
{scarecrow sighs}

Pumpkin-head{with a sigh}: I am endanger too if any of these girls understand cooking my ends not far off!

Scarecrow: nonsense! There to busy to cook if they know how!

Pumpkin head: yes but if should remain prisoner for any lenghe of time I am liable to spoil so must I make of the most of the little time I have

Scarecrow : where was the saw horse you rode in with?

Pumpkinhead: I said he was a jewel so your man locked him up in the royal tresurey

Soldier:it was I only place I could think of
Your majesty

Scarecrow: it pleases me very much has the animal been fed?

Soldier: yes I gave it a heaping peck of sawdust  and sip of maple sap

Scarecrow: excellent! Bring him here at once {horse led in}
He dose’nt seem espeicaly graceful
But I suppose the thing can run?

Tip: he can indeed… but he can’t carry four.

Scarecrow: fetch a great cord to tie us together with that way if one of us falls off we all do
He can carry three.

Tip: now you must save us all
 Run as fast as you can and don’t let anything stop you

Jinjur ‘s marching song
Tune the ants go marching
We all go maarching 4by 4 his-ah his-ah
We all go maarching 5by5 hurr-ah hurr-ah
We all go maarching 6by6 yeh-wa yeh-wa
we all go maarching 7by 7 reb-ah re-qua
my girls and i conquered the city-
seargent ozwalda : i don’t care i have no pity

End of scene

Scene VIII

Scarecrow: I ought to the way by heart but it seems we’ve already lost our way
Why here is before us is great field of sunflowers that I’ve never seen before

Tip: it’s witch craft

Tip: stop! Stop! There alive!there girls!

Scarecrow: they look strangely
 Like the faces of army of revolt but I cannot conceive they followed us here so soon
The sunflower’s song
Tune: quick and lively
 rebels continue apace let us join the light hearted race as we shine on them again{ repeat again 3X}
Sunflopwer jinjur:
tip is fool, let all boys’ drool
{Repeat three times}
Tip: I do belive it’s magic I have known mombi to do things like that before. It’s probly no more than an illusion and there are no sunflowers here at all

{sunflowers exit enter tin man the moment tin man sees scarecrow they go in a close and loving embrace}

Tin man: my most noble comrade! How delighted I am to see you… and who are your companions?

Scare crow: this is jack pumpkin-head
This is tip
Tin man: your not very substantial but you are defiantly unusual there for therefore I’d like you to become a member of our select society

Pumpkinhead: I thank you your majesty

Tin man:I hope you are enjoying good health
Pumpkinhead :at the present yes but I am in constant terror of the day I might spoil

Tinman:{ kindly smypathtic tone} nosense! Do not I beg of you  dampen today’s  sun with tomorrow’s showers before your head has time to spoil I can have it canned that way it’ll  preserved indecently you may observe the engrave star upon my left breast not only does it cover neat little patch made by the wizard under of which he placed this valued organ

Pumpkinhead{curiously}: is your heart a hand organ?

Tinman: by no means, I am convinced that it is a heart of warmth… { to scarecrow} are your subjects happy my friend?

Scarecrow: I cannot say for the girls of oz risen in revolt and driven me out the emerald city.

Tinman: great goodness!what a calamity! Surely they do not complain of your most wise and gracious rule?

Scarecrow: no they say it was a poor rule that didn’t work both ways these females also have the option that men have ruled oz long enough and they have robbed the city streets of all their splendor and rifled the royal treasury.

Tinman: dear me what extorndinary idea.

Tip: I heard them  say that they intend to capture city of the emperor of the winkies next.
Tin man: ah! Must not let them do that to my  city as they did to yours we must recapture the emerald city

Scarecrow: I was sure you could help me… how large an army can you asemble?

Tinman: we four with the aid of my gleaming ax are enough to strike terror in the hearts of the rebels

Pumpkinkhead: we five.

Tinman: five?

Pumpkinhead: yes, the sawhorse is brave and fearless.
{tin looks arround for the sawhorse}
{enter sawhorse}

Tinman: I begin to think the wonders never cease, how came this  to be alive

Tip : I did it with magic powder
And The sawhorse has been very useful to us

Scarcrow: he enabled   us to escape the rebels1`

Tin man: we must except him as our comrade a live sawhorse  is a distint novelty...{to sawhorse} dose he know anything

Sawhorse: we I cannot claim any great experience in life and often it occurs to me that I know more than others

End of scene


Woggle bug: good morning one and all I hope you are enjoying excellent health … permit me to present my card
{ hands tip index card}

Tip{reading}: Mr. H.M. woggle bug T.E.

Tip: what dose HM mean?
Woggle-bug: it means highly magnified.

Scarecrow: pardon my brains  are slightly mixed since the last I was laundered. Would   you tell me what TE stands for?         

 Wogglebug: those letters express my degree
They mean thourghly educated

Woggle-bug: it affords me great pleasure to startle those I meet, there for I’d like to remain in your agust company I will gladly relate my history    

Tin man: you may say what pleases you
Act II scene I
Woggle bug: it is but honest that i should acknowledge that i was born an ordinary woggle bug knowing no better I used my arms and legs for walking one day crept into country school house when I found the hearth warmer and  more comfortable then the sunshine  and made my home in between two bricks PROF. knowitall is doubtless the most famous professer all of oz after a few days I began listen in on his lectures not of them more attentive the unknown little woggle-bug in the hearth I aquired the great fund of knowledge from… that is I place TE on all my cards  but one day wonderful circumstance that alter my very existance the professer had found me  and said ; my dear pupils I have discovered a woggle bug; a very rare and interesting specimen
Do you know what woggle bug is?
No yelled all the scholars  then said the professer  then I will magify him so you see it more closely. I stood upright and bowed  politely then ran off the screeen
Tip: I did not know that bugs wore clothes
Woggle: nor do they in they in their natrual state but I good fortune to save the life of a taylor the fellow was exceedingly grateful he begged to dress me in this stylish  costume I now wear.
Scarecrow: he must have been good one
Woggle bug waltz
The shedding of tear they wet your cheek
Not soak you thourgh though
Coookies you put away when when you had one or two
Too  much anything can only do you harm
Let me tell you straight from the palm
 Ohh you got know when
To stop
 I know we all; like to play those silly games where everybody pokes out their tongue and call each-other names but keep on making faces and you soon beaware for in the morning you might find there still there
Ohhh you got to know when
Act two scene two
{in the emerald city}
( enter man with bushy beard just as  tip and his supp. character  man should be wearing an apron over his shirt and pants pushing a stroller)
Scarecrow: what has happened?
The man:why, we’ve had reveloution your majesty and the women have been running things their way, i am glad you’ve come to restore  order, beacause minding the children and  doing the chores is wearing  out every man in the emerald city
Scarecrow: but if its such hard work why do women handle  so easily?
The man : i really do not know{deep sigh}perhaps the women are made of cast, iron
{queen jinjur enter}
Queen : take them  away including the man he said treson and the boy we’ll give back to his gaurdian old mombi. Rest are acussed of kiddnapping and treason
 {scare crow unbuttons his shirt and five mice crawl out}
{Scarecrow lock them in} the throne  room glinda enters with othellia athella
Scarecrow : begged to announce to your glorious  highness , that impudent girls with knitting needles have enslaved all the men of oz robbed the city streets of  all their emeralds

Glinda : i  know it

Scarecrow: therefore i beg of your asistance

Glinda:  the city is being ruled by general jinjur what right do i have to opose her.

Scarecrow: she stole my throne

Glinda: how did you come to  possess the throne

Scarecrow: i got it from the wizard

Glinda:how did the wizard get it?

Scarcrow:i am told he  stole it pastoria the  fomer king,

Glinda: then it belongs to neither you nor jinjur but to pastoria from whom the wizzard got it.

Scarecrow: but pastoria is long gone and has to rule in his place

Glinda: pastoria had daughter named Ozma

Scarecrow:but where is she?
Glinda: i have tried in vain to find her but always to no use... {to audience} do you know where she is?

Woggle bug: could she been enchanted with kind of magicart that you are’nt familliar with... Could have mombi helped in hiding ozma?

 Glinda: i know he taught her tricks of magic he would  not have dones so if she had not assisted him  in someway  so i  can suspect  with good reason the mombi assited in hidding ozma.{enter mombi in chains}

Glinda: why did the wizard  pay you three visits?

Mombi: he wanted to know how i made schinkerdoodle cookies

Glinda: you told me false hood

Mombi: how do you know

Glinda:beacause  only when the truth is  spoken my ruby ring remains red

Mombi: he brought to me the princess ozma at  no more than a baby

Glinda: that is what i thought ... what did he do exchange for your services?

 Mombi : he taught me all magic he knew

Glinda: what did you do to her?

Mombi: i turned her into a boy{points to tip} that right there is princess ozma

tip:i am not princess ozma i am no girl
glinda: you are not a girl just now but you were born a girl and a princess you are only a boy cause mombi transformed you into one
tip:oh let jinjur be queen! I want to stay a boy go on adventures the scarecrow tin man and the saw horse and jack yes!i don’t want to be a girl no!
 Jack: but see here if  you become a girl you can’t be my dear father anymore!
Tip: i’d glad to escape that relationship!
{to glinda} might try it for a little while but you must  promise to turn me back into a boy again if i don’t like it...

Glinda: that is beyond my power i never deal with transformations for they are not honest making appear as they are not therefore i shall make mombi do it  but that‘ll be the last chance she will have to preform magic

Exit tip enter ozma

 Ozma : i hope that none you will care for no more  and no less than you did before  i am just the the same tip only a girl..

Tin man: when i go home i shall have a  new coat of nickle plate  you can come  anytime you like

Ozma: thank you some day i will acept the ivitetion  what is  to become of the scarcrow?
 the scarecrow: i am returning with  the tin man
tin man: i have the scarecrow royal  treasurer what do you think?

Ozma: i think you are both the richest men in the world you are both rich in your in your own way and your ritcches are the only ones worth having the riches of content
the shining farewell  waltz

that brings us to a happy ending
ohhohh now it’s time to sing the shining farewell it is still unsure but for now it is a shining fare well good bye my dear friends i learn’t so much but for now it ‘s shiniing farewell ohhohhohhhohhh but for now it ‘s shiniing farewell